Big Dig In Full Swing In New Lynn Today


NL Trench driver

NL Trench1NL Trench2

Buses replacing trains this long weekend, enables the big dig to be in full swing in New Lynn as the last quarter of the work for the rail trench gets done.
The track that is currently running along the top of the finished northern trench will be lowered into the trench next April.

A temporary station will be placed inside the trench as construction continues on the ARTA’s new permanent station.

Thanks to Roger for the photos.




  1. Ian says:

    It appears that some of the permanent floor is already in place. Wonder if we’ll ever become a little nostalgic for the way it used to be?

  2. jarbury says:

    New Lynn was always a pretty lame station considering how busy it is - so I can’t see myself being very nostalgic for it.

    Certainly the best views of the trench are from trains passing through the area. I caught a train through there on Wednesday and it was certainly interesting to see all the work that was going on.

  3. Ian says:

    I hope someone is keeping a video record of all this work. Should make a great documentary.

  4. Commuter says:

    Hate to rain on your picnic Jon but walking past the trench today I was slightly concerned to note that nothing whatsoever was happening. Things were happening at the St Jude Street crossing - they had a tamper machine sitting there waiting for a track to be tampered with and even a little bit of excavation was happening on the site of the new Avondale station but, back in New Lynn, it was as quiet as it was yesterday afternoon (Veolia were up to their old trick of cancelling trains and not telling waiting passengers).

  5. Jon C says:

    Ian, that was one of the main reasons for starting the blog in the first place so I could record the development in images and video . I am sure others are as well.

  6. Jon C says:

    Commuter, they were scheduled to be there. Not sure whether they got diverted onto one of the other sites on Saturday. A foreman at one of the site told me New Lynn was definitely on the weekend list. No trains all weekend.

  7. Commuter says:

    Seems as though your source was ill-informed: nothing happened either yesterday or today; in fact everyone left early on Friday too. I rather suspect that as the whole thing is proceeding ahead of schedule, Fletcher’s are saving money on the contract by not paying penalty wages. Pity; it would be good to see the whole thing up and running sooner rather than later but it isn’t a motorway so the pressure’s not there!


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