Graffiti Tidy Up


Officials want our train corridor looking nice for the Rugby World Cup tourists - and as any Western Line commuter knows, there’s always a lot of graffiti.
So we will have to deal with no trains on Sunday for one final clean up along the Western Line so that touyrists don’t see the usual tagging.

Buses will replace trains to allow pre-Rugby World Cup 2011 tidy up activities on the rail network. There will be folk out and armed with paint brushes and rubbish bags at Mt Eden, Kingsland, Morningside, Mt Albert and Mt Eden

It is the last closure on the rail network until November.

It’s likely trains will be so crowded and fans so hyped up in conversation as they head for Eden park, they won’t notice what’s out the window anywa

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  1. George D says:

    I’ve got used to assuming that trains don’t run on weekends. It’s pretty much the norm now. With post-RWC electrification, we’ll have next to no weekend trains for at least another 6 months, I imagine.

  2. Commuter says:

    Hopefully these ‘community groups’ will also take this opportunity to remove some of the pest plant infestations that proliferate along the western line embankments: privet, black wattle, gorse, ginger and woolly nightshade being the prime offenders.

  3. James B says:

    Yeah, because people overseas never see graffiti along rail lines.

  4. Sacha says:

    They’re just clearing the canvas so Auckland’s graffiti is fresh and up with the play. :)

  5. Anthony says:

    I’d put some stinging nettles and the ongaonga trees along in front of the walls along the rail corridor, so if anyone with hideous burns turns up at the hospital, you know what they have tried to do…hehehehe!


  6. Dayne says:

    I dunno why some people freak out about graffiti along the rail corridor. I’m in the UK and have been travelling Europe and it’s common everywhere you go, Paris, Berlin, Munich, London. Same goes in Melbourne. If anything it adds something interesting to look at instead of grass banks, gravel and soil. Maybe if the Council was wiser it could’ve commissioned local crews (TMD, RTR etc) or even more traditional artists to paint some murals along the corridors


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