Rena Damage Photos: Close Up


Latest story on Rena here

Here are close-ups of how stricken cargo ship Rena looks today damaged and perched on the Astrolabe Reef off Tauranga.

The calmer waters enabled these close up photos to be taken.

Rena's bow broken & twisted from the impact with the Astrolabe Reef |NZDF

A fracture and buckling extends down Rena's hull on the port side |NZDF

Rena fractured across the hull to port side, where hull is cracked & buckling |NZDF

Rena’s stern on a 21 degree list | NZDF

Line taking oil from Rena to Awanuia is supported by buoys between the ships | NZDF





  1. Russell says:

    How was this possible, in calm conditions?

  2. Sean says:

    Your’re going a bit overboard on the whole Rena thing. back to PT news?

  3. AKT says:

    @Sean And what PT stories have you been missing Sean? There have been several in the last week here you have never read in the Royal NZ Herald. Rena happens to be the biggest transport story of the year but the RWC has also meant fewer transport developments going on.

  4. andrew says:

    Well I live in Australia,im 20 and this is my home town this has happend in and im trying to find out as much information about what’s going on as i can,people like Jon C are helping me with this and keeping me informed and I thank them.


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