Wellington Derailment


Passengers were kept on board a Wellington suburban train after it derailed at the Ngaio station on the Johnsonville line this afternoon.

15 passengers were kept on board the train until the overhead electricity was turned off. Only then were they allowed to disembark.

No one was injured. The cause of the derailment is still being investigated by KiwiRail.

Kiwirail says re-railing the English Electric unit unit will take some time so the Johnsonville line is closed meantime and all peak services on the line tonight are being replaced by buses.




  1. Travis says:

    Wow I was at Caffe L’affare today and overheard I guy saying something about a derailment, odd how that happens.

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by javahollic, AKT. AKT said: 15 people kept on board Wgtn train after it derailed until power turned off http://bit.ly/ia7jkT #wellington [...]

  3. anthony says:

    there is a good picture of the derailment on stuff


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