Making PT Easier


A new initiative demystifying Auckland’s public transport system and promoting alternative transport options is being trialed to help local residents who may be affected by Devonport’s Lake Road upgrade.

The “Personal Journey Plan” service offers one-on-one advice to people who have found public transport timetables, fares, routes and connections time consuming to work through and difficult to understand.

The service also caters for new residents who want to find out about the quickest and easiest ways of getting around including carpooling and making use of the preferential parking at Devonport Wharf, and where the local walkways and cycle routes are.

Personal Journey Planning is a relatively new concept in New Zealand and has been developed following market research that shows people would consider changing the way they travel if they had help assessing the options and solutions were customized to meet their individual needs.

North Shore City Council ‘s group manager of transport strategy and planning, Archer Davis, says it’s a relatively simple approach to reducing congestion on local roads.

“As part of our coordinated approach for travel on the Peninsula during the Lake Road upgrade, this trial will help households reduce their car use, ultimately save them time and money and potentially help us with traffic management during the upgrade,” says Mr Davis.

The trial is available to the first 125 residents who register online and if successful, could be expanded in the future.

The NZ Navy has already expressed interest in participating in the trial along with implementing a carpooling programme as part of its efforts to help reduce congestion on the Peninsula.

Stage two of the Lake Road upgrade is expected to be completed in mid-2011




  1. Luke says:

    Not a bad idea, but with buses to Devonport only running at 30min intervals its really a waste of time.
    Just tells people that PT isnt good enough for their needs and they.
    Surely the road is busy enough that a 10min frequency could be made to work, maybe even make it free/very cheap to coincide with the road upgrade.


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