Pics: RWC2011 Countdown Clock


If you head to Britomart tonight, take a detour into QEII square outside the Downtown mall and see what you think of the Auckland City’s RWC2011 countdown clock, unveiled last night.

It cost $120,000.

Judging by some work being done around the area  this afternoon, it may still be a construction in progress, like the Rugby World Cup.




  1. Matt L says:

    I saw this today at lunch time, I thought it wasn’t that easy to read being so large or if you are even slightly off the right viewing angle.

  2. Joshua says:

    From the photo’s it looks quite cool, but could be hard to read as Matt pointed out, I hope they have turned the fire off the rock thats covered by the tarpaulin!

  3. Carl says:

    $120K for a clock?

    do me a favor, aren’t there more important things to spend money on? what happens to when the cup starts?

    funny how things like this can just pop up, yet we can’t get money for important things?

    whom are they actually trying to impress with this?

    another waste of money

  4. Chelsea says:

    I work in PWC tower, and seeing this ‘pop up’ was actually really cool. It’s like the first piece of non-useless public art in Auckland in how long?

  5. LucyJH says:

    speaking of useless public art, what do people think of the arch in Aotea Square that has just been unveiled? I think it’s super ugly but perhaps that’s just me…

  6. Chris S says:

    I think it looks great. Who cares how much its costed us. They have bought and you cant change anything anymore.

  7. karl says:

    LucyJH - are you talking of the Maori-themed arch towards Queen Street? That’s been there for many years, just been refurbished and given a new coat of paint.


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