Govt View Of Auck Spatial Plan


As part of the Auckland Governance reform, Auckland is to have a spatial plan and the government this afternoon revealed more of what it has in mind.
Environment Minister Nick Smith told an NZ Planning Institute conference in Auckland that the plan presents further opportunities to simplify planning.
As part of the current round of RMA reforms, the government was considering how spatial planning could tighten the overall urban planning system for Auckland. This includes reducing the number of strategic plans required by legislation.
“I see no reason for so many plans and planning processes. One strategic level plan that integrates across infrastructure, land use, housing, business and other functions should be all that’s needed,” said Dr Smith.

“We are also looking at how to ensure the agreed spatial plan is delivered through lower level plans and decision making. This will be critical to delivering results on the ground.

“For too long have high level plans for the development of Auckland been devised, only to then flounder at the implementation stage. We need one affordable strategy to be developed, agreed and delivered.”

He told the conference that work was already progressing in preparation for the first Auckland spatial plan. On the establishment of the Auckland supercouncil, local government will work closely with central Government and other stakeholders to get the plan in place.

In addition to the spatial plan, a National Policy Statement covering the urban environment could also set out those principles needed for a well functioning and well designed city.

“These are complex issues requiring careful consideration and expert input. The government’s Technical Advisory Groups groups have brought to bear their experience in providing me with considered advice on these issues. They have worked hard to develop a set of proposals and I am currently considering their findings.

“Next month I plan to release their reports, accompanied by a discussion document for public consultation. I expect this to form the starting point for a conversation on the range of options to improve our urban and infrastructure planning system.”




  1. karl says:

    Argh. Doesn’t anybody realise? They are writing the spatial plan in Wellington before Auckland’s politicians are even elected to do their job. Why don’t we simply become a suburb of Wellington?

  2. James B says:

    @karl You mean we’re not already?

  3. Matt L says:

    I almost think that we should elect mayors and councillors that at the opposite side of the political spectrum to the sitting government so that they don’t just tow the party line when it comes to Auckland issues.

  4. Matt says:

    Matt L, Brown certainly has that going for him. He even played it up at the Auckland Yacht Club the other night, saying that the election isn’t about who’s closest to the National Party after Banks went on about how great his relationship with the government is.

    I’m a little concerned about what might happen if the spatial plan turns out to be environmentally-friendly against the wishes of big business and the agricultural lobby. Look what happened to ECan for daring to consider water to be a precious resource to be shepherded not a commodity to be squandered, against the protests from Federated Farmers. And if that happened to Auckland we’d have *no* local government, not just not regional council.


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