Onehunga Foreshore Move Confirmed


Funding for the Onehunga foreshore restoration has been confirmed.
The $28m funding agreement signed today by Auckland City Council and the NZTA will help enable the transformation of the tidal Onehunga foreshore into beach and parkland.

But construction is some way off - it starts the first quarter of 2014.
The redevelopment will include reclamation which will be transformed into parkland and beaches where people can swim, walkways and cycleways, a new carpark, toilets and BBQs, and a sheltered boat ramp where people can launch small boats into a protected harbour. The area will be landscaped and planted with coastal plants.

People will be able to access the area from the Onehunga Lagoon Reserve side via a low pedestrian and cycle bridge over State Highway 20.

Auckland City Council is contributing $10 million and the NZTA are contributing $18 million to the $28 million total foreshore redevelopment project.

The council will issue a request for tender in September to shortlisted companies to plan and complete the development.

The council will continue to work with the society, NZTA and the Maungakiekie Community Board to refine the designs.





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