Brown Will Still Push Transport


Mayoral candidate, Manukau’s Len Brown says he’s not going to shut up about transport in Auckland.
In a statement, he says he’ll continue to advocate for Auckland’s infrastructural needs in spite of the transport minister’s comments yesterday that candidates were talking up projects that will never happen, certainly for quite some time.
Steven Joyce told an infrastructure conference in Auckland yesterday: “When I hear of lines to the airport or rail to the North Shore, I have to confess I shake my head and think these are the musings of people who are full of wonderful visions and perhaps less verbose on ideas about how to pay for those visions.”

Mr Brown (who mis-spelt the minister’s name as Stephen in his statement) said: “The government’s own supercity legislation says the Mayor must deliver a ‘vision’ for Auckland. It’s a bit rich for a Minister to now criticise candidates for proposing visionary projects, when that is precisely what his government requires of us.
“I want Auckland to be the world’s most liveable city. It urgently needs a modern transport system. We need to work out how to achieve that, not find excuses for doing nothing.

“Wherever I am in Auckland the number one issue people talk to me about is transport. I’m not going to apologise for voicing what Aucklanders want to see happen in their region. Aucklanders want unclogged roads and a better public transport system - including a rail link to the airport and underground CBD rail loop. If I am elected mayor I will do everything I can to get these projects moving.

“Obviously central government will form the basis for most funding. I will continue to engage with Wellington on what the best use of their resources are - that’s why the supercity was set up in the first place. Council will set up to the plate and I also see infrastructure bonds as a way for Aucklanders to invest in their city and give us the capital we need to tackle some of these projects.

“One of the main reasons the government is setting up the supercity is to deal with Auckland’s transport. Mr Joyce can hardly complain when Auckland speaks with one voice about the priorities it sees as important for the region.




  1. John Dalley says:

    Brown 1, Joyce Nil.

  2. Jeremy says:

    Brown speaks alot of sense. What exactly is the point of the supercity?

  3. Jon says:

    Is the roading/trucking lobby getting worried? Well, the trucking lobby did throw hundreds of thousands of dollars into the National Party last election.

  4. Simon says:

    Yay! About time Len Brown showed some balls and actually took on the Minister of Roads. Until now I have wondered about Brown and his conviction for supporting increased PT development in Auckland. This is what I was looking for from him. A willingness to engage with the government but at the same time not kowtow and stick to his guns. With Banks you really wonder how committed he is. Will he lay down his mayoralty on getting the CBD tunnel accepted or will he ask and meekly take the answer SJ and JK give him if it is not a positive one?

  5. karl says:

    Banks is apparently quite sincere about the tunnel. His main problem is that he thinks

    trains = sexy

    buses = crap

    And thus any government of his will neglect those vital 80-90% of the public transport system. It’s like advocating to the family for a flash new roof on your house while being willing to let the foundations rot. Both are necessary.

    Oh, and good on Len. Go for it - no false humility.

  6. Kurt says:

    Despite Brown appearing to come across as quite odd and Banks as more sane and reliable I struggle to separate Banks as anything but a card carrying National Party man and by inference a mayor who will tow the National party line on most things including their out of date road building obsession at the expense of meaningful investment in public transport.


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