8 Cycle Trails Approved


Eight new cycle trails have been approved for funding totalling $18.85m under the government’s NZ Cycle Trail Project.

They include: the Old Motu Coach Road (Opotiki), the Lake Track (Taupo), the Dun Mountain Trail and Tasman Loop (Nelson), the Heretaunga Ararau (Napier), the Westland Wilderness Trail, the Alps to Ocean Trail (Otago), and the Queenstown & Clutha Gold Trail.

Acting tourism minister Dr Coleman said the government investment will provide a significant economic boost to the communities involved.

Green Party cycling spokesperson, Kevin Hague, says that successfully completing a cycleway trail involves a whole-of-community effort.

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  1. ingolfson says:

    Shame there’s really nothing close to home in the list, but we knew that. Hope that by the time the first pot is empty, the trails will have taken off enough for new (or even long-term) funding to be approved.

  2. Robert says:

    Sounds great. Sydney’s been getting some good cycling tracks recently too ( great for bike workouts ).


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