Mike Lee Candidacy Confirmed


ARC Chair, Mike Lee, will stand as a council candidate for City Vision for the Waitemata & Gulf ward of the new Auckland Council.

His endorsement by the left-leaning City Vision was announced this morning.

“I have the vision and community connections to work with the entire mainland ward, from Westmere, to Parnell, ” said Mr Lee.

The Waitemata-Gulf ward stretches from Parnell to Westmere in the west and includes Newmarket, Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and the central city.

His Citizens and Ratepayers opponent would have been ARC councillor and Auckland Business Forum and Chamber of Commerce leader Michael Barnett - but he has withdrawn because of a serious illness.

There has been media speculation that Auckland City transport committee chair Ken Baguley may be chosen.

Mr Lee said: “Despite the differing political histories of the areas each side of the CBD the communities have a lot in common. The waterfront and commercial centres have special needs and I am keen to talk to the key people involved.

Mr Lee said his connections with the Gulf Island communities and environments were well known. ” I respect their proud independence but also know that they can benefit from the regional cohesion of the Supercity.

“As current Chair of the ARC, I am standing on my record - and the record is still playing.

“We have begun the Waterfront development plan that will open up a wonderful public space that gives the people of the Waitemata & Gulf Ward a waterfront that they and all people in the region can be proud of. My view on the value of public service is well known, and I intend to continue to work for regional cohesion and vision in the new Council, and ensure that we restore local community government and community solidarity with empowered local boards.”

City Vision Chair Robert Gallagher, in endorsing Mr Lee said that he had demonstrated strong regional leadership and his governance and management experience would be an asset.
“His personal commitment to public ownership of key Auckland assets, public transport and regional parks has established a solid base to carry the new Council forward.”




  1. Owen Thompson says:

    Would have preferred him to have stood as Mayor.

  2. ingolfson says:

    Only way that could have worked is if no other left-wing candidate would have stood. As Al Gore can tell you, a split vote can end up being a lost vote.

  3. Simon says:

    It`s a pity as I think Lee would be a far stronger candidate for mayor than Brown.

  4. john says:

    Agree with Simon that Mike be a better Mayoral Candidate as he really cares and works hard for Aucklander.


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