Rodney Council Wants Out


Labour is introducing a “local bill” into parliament to exclude Rodney from the new Auckland “supercity” and establish a new unitary council for the district.

It is conventional for local bills to go to at least to the first reading stage and then be referred on to a Select Committee.

This action is on behalf of the local council.

Rodney council CEO Rodger Kerr-Newell says the decision to progress with a local bill was supported by the majority of the council, made in a public meeting, and followed considerable analysis of the feasibility of Rodney District Council taking on a unitary council role as well as the poll information.

“The council has been thorough in the preparation of its position and would have been at odds with community sentiment and its own situation analysis if it had taken any other course,” Mr Kerr-Newell added.

The council also took into account a Colmar Brunton survey – involving more than 1,200 randomly selected people throughout the district – which asked residents whether they supported or opposed Rodney being part of the Supercity.

Of those surveyed, only 21% supported Rodney’s inclusion in the Auckland Council, while 52% opposed it – a ratio of over two to one.




  1. rtc says:

    If we are to control urban spawl we need to control what council’s at the outskirts of the city are doing, excluding Rodney would mean the council would have no control over what happens out there.

  2. Nick R says:

    Ha, I misread that… thought it said “Council want Rodney out!”

  3. Matt L says:

    Rtc - which is exactly why they probably want out

  4. jarbury says:

    You’re right RTC. I for one am very glad that Rodney District is part of the Super City, though I do understand their frustration.

  5. Carl says:

    Wish Franklin would get out of it, all our money getting spent on things that don’t help us in anyway.

    its a big have IMO, as I’ve said many times, make us join & take our cash, but when the rail upgrades get started, funny how we aren’t on the list for anything…

    supercity sammmmmutacity, leave it the way it is, Someone running the show in Auckland has no idea what a farmer is doing in Pukekohe, and why should he… its not his game nor his bizness…


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