New Newmarket Crossing


A welcomed new pedestrian crossing in Newmarket got switched on today.
It’s outside the Newmarket Post Office to provide a safer crossing point between the Great South Road intersection and 277.

Incorporating a signalised crossing for Clovernook Road (the access road to the Farmers car park), it’s also part of the traffic patterns associated with the Newmarket Viaduct replacement project.

With Newmarket the national headquarters for the Foundation of the Blind, and the post office a popular stop off for local elderly residents, all four access points feature tactile pavers and an audio tactile callbox to enhance safety.

There was also a new crossing outside the Newmarket railway station installed recently.

New crossings are making it safer in Newmarket

Cameron Brewer,  Newmarket Business Association CEO ,says that previously people have had to run the gauntlet to access the post office, “which was a real worry given it’s such a wide and busy arterial road.”

Also planned are a volcanic walkway connecting Gillies Ave with Broadway, and a replacement footbridge over the motorway at Mt Hobson Road.




  1. ingolfson says:

    Meh, signals, signals, signals. We are continuing with our efforts to segregate all traffic into tidy boxes. Even if that is inefficient at the end of the day.

    My wish would have been for more traffic calming on Broadway. Bring the speeds down, make drivers expect pedestrians, and then support those with refuge island crossings, raised zebra crossings and similar methods. Instead we get more stop and start. I have been guilty in the past of supporting signals, but I am getting less and less enamoured with them. In a CBD area, they are the wrong choice.


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