Viaduct Events Centre Construction Starts


Construction on the city’s newest waterfront landmark officially began today with a ceremony for the Viaduct Events Centre held at the Halsey Street wharf construction site.

Auckland City councillor Greg Moyle, called the centre “a critical piece of the big puzzle that encompasses the whole of the city’s waterfront.”

It ‘s the first project to start construction in the Wynyard Quarter area. Gateway Plaza, North Wharf and the interim pedestrian and cycle bridge, are all to be completed in the next year or two.

Architect Gordon Moller says the concept is for an elegant glass pavilion opening onto the Halsey St Wharf on all sides to interact with the public promenades and wharf areas.

“A lyrical wave form roof over generous display halls and meeting rooms will give a strong maritime feel and suit the wide variety of events and functions that the centre is designed for.  All the spaces will also have dramatic views to the waterfront”.

Viaduct Events Centre | Auckland City

Hawkins Construction, says the centre will be finished by July next year.

The multi-purpose facility will offer flexible exhibition, meeting and hospitality space.




  1. John Dalley says:

    And we still need a “Party Central” Why?

  2. ingolfson says:

    Because “a year or two” means they won’t be done in time?

  3. Ian M says:

    Is this intended to cater for large conferences? Would be a great asset if so

  4. Jeremy Harris says:

    No it won’t more of venue for boat shows or flower shows etc…
    I really like it, I know lots of people don’t like the design…

  5. rtc says:

    It will be finished before the RWC and is to cater for events such as Auckland Fashion week etc.

  6. Cam says:

    A much better spot for “party central” just across from the viduct bars and restaurants.

  7. Luke says:

    reminds me somewhat of the Pompidou Centre in Paris. Not too bad but I hope we can do better with Queens wharf, one of the old sheds would have looked just as nice if it was done up.
    At least the sheds would be unique.

  8. AR says:

    Just an ugly glass box with a token wave roof for good measure.
    Nothing to write home about.

  9. joust says:

    I like it too, the roof looks like an airport terminal building’s one.

  10. Kelvin says:

    I hope it doesn’t end up like the overseas terminal in Welly ie a rusting pile of poo!


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