Aotea Square Still a Way To Go - A Look Behind The Wooden Fence


It feels as if Aotea Square has been under redevelopment for years.
In fact, the work did start in October, 2008 - and it will two years to the month - this October- before the fenced walls come down and we see if they money spent has been worth it in transforming a grey concrete space, into something that impress ratepayers and the RWC tourists.

Here is how it’s looking today behind the tall wooden fences, which blocks off the development from the curious public - and not surprising it is kept well hidden as the construction site is not ready for prime time yet.

Workmen work over Easter on the Aotea Square redevelopment

Auckland Town Hall towers over the Aotea construction site

So what will it look like this October?
This is what the image plastered along the construction site promise:

Aotea Square when finished |Auckland City

Features include:

  • The Queen Street entrance with fewer steps into the paved area
  • The walkway alongside the Auckland Town Hall widened
  • The main paved area of Aotea Square raised and levelled
  • Grass areas
  • Mostly granite paving
  • 63 native trees




  1. jarbury says:

    I think a lot of the work has been on replacing the roof of the carpark. Once that’s complete (which I think has happened quite recently) the actual landscaping should be fairly quick and straightforward.

  2. anthony says:

    so what DID it look like?

  3. Cam says:

    @Anthony - Grey, bland and kind of soviet unionesque. It was very ugly and cold.

  4. ingolfson says:

    Comments moderation function prevents me from posting URLs - lets try again for some photos of then and now:

  5. ingolfson says:

    Okay, worked now. The last photo in that list shows an aerial view some months back, looking down from the Council skyscraper.

  6. Kelvin says:

    what is the point of that glass walkway bit, is it purely to look ‘modern’ or does it lead somewhere?
    Like Anthony I have no idea of what it was like but when finished it looks like being Auckland’s answer to the More London development near Tower Bridge if any roving Kiwis know it, albeit very Kiwi - Gloria Jeans coffee anyone? I hope they do a good banana cake - difficult to come across in the UK for some reason but Auckland looms closer..


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