Makes The Top 30


A well known blogger emailed me this morning to say this site had jumped into the top 30 NZ blogs, according to global web measurement company, Alexa (which orders sites by their traffic rank calculated on average daily visitors and page views over the past month.)

He said it was a “‘mighty” achievement for a site just celebrating its first anniversary.

I’ve never paid any attention to this sort of stuff, although I have noted Kiwiblog, which rates number one, does from time to time mention these ratings (and noted the other day that controversial Whaleoil is also moving up).

As I explained in my About section, the aim here isn’t about me and being famous but about all of us engaging in a discussion to influence better changes in city life, especially public transport. In fact last week, I turned down a persistent newspaper person who wanted to write a ‘profile’ about me and the site and TV news which wanted to film me about the RWC. I explained this site wasn’t any self-indulgent ego trip but about providing a vehicle for all of us to have a serious debate about transport!

Anyway, it’s nice to know AKL has  jumped up to number 26 and be in the top 30 in the prestigious company of Kiwiblog, The Standard. Frog Blog, Tumeke!, WhaleOil and Cactus Kate and even oddly ahead of Russell Brown’s Public Address at 29 (which may be a seasonal drop for them).

If nothing else, it means a wider audience is now taking an interest in the matters we’re raising and they’re being alerted to those issues.

Other blogs that sometimes cover transport include Auckland Blog (89th), Greenpeace (90th) and Auckland Transport Blog (161).

To be frank, I’m really only mentioning it because it’s a good excuse to thank you all for, not just your support, but for your contributions and especially the lively debate, which I’m pleased is always conducted in a pleasant manner, even when you disagree - unlike some other blogs I have seen which get quite abusive.

And we are making a difference because people are listening to us. A certain public official, who gets mentioned here from time to time, dropped an email the other day to tick me off about something I had written but added that the reason the traffic was going up was because “we’re all reading it, even if we don’t always like what’s being said.”

That’s the good news for celebration - so keep talking!




  1. Andu says:

    good for you mate. what you’re doing is very important. keep at it.

  2. ingolfson says:

    Conrgrats indeed. And here’s me thinking only us transport nerds read this stuff ;-)

  3. AdG says:

    Jon C - you should take up the offer of being interviewed and getting some TV coverage. Whilst I appreciate your argument that it is not about you - it would however make many more aware (that would otherwise not be) of this site and the consequent issues around Akld’s rail network. More discussion/ exposure around getting our rail network up to scratch can only be a good thing.
    Since discovering this site a few months ago I now review your posts daily. Informative and well done - keep it up.

  4. Sam says:

    I agree with AdG- Public transport issues don’t seem to get that much media coverage, and I think any chance to get a bit of info out to the general public through the news could do a lot for raising the profile of these issues.

    I also read your blog daily, its very interesting and informative- you convey a wide range of issues very effectively, and create anticipation and excitement over what’s to come/ what could come. I’d take any opportunity to grow its following as it could at some point have a major influence on the future of aucklands transport

  5. nzbcfanboi says:

    Nice to hear this site is quite popular now like other people I read this blog daily keep up the great work

  6. Jim C says:

    For sure this site is excellent well done

  7. Paul says:

    Take the credit, you deserve it. Job well done

  8. Bryan Wannell says:

    Congratulations.I am a senior with a true passion for trains.Keep it going I look at it every day.

  9. Ian says:

    Some of those bloggers you mention are hardly prestigious, but good work. The result is a really great read.

  10. Su Yin says:

    Felicitations! Besides being wellwritten and presented, I trust your reporting more than whatever’s being written in the papers.

    AKT has definitely become one of my daily must-reads.


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