Te Papapa: An Interesting ‘Satellite’ Experiment - Latest Photos


Te Papapa, a stop on the forthcoming Onehunga line, will be an interesting experiment to see whether you can create interest in train use in a small pocket of Auckland.

Like many other small Auckland suburbs, some people seem to never have heard of, it’s hard to determine where Te Papapa starts and Onehunga ends. If you travel through Onehunga past it, you could imagine it was in fact Onehunga. It’s population in the 2001 census was 3081.

The train stop,  between May Rd and Captain Springs Rd, has potential to be attractive to users as it’s in the middle of a light industrial area, apartments and various businesses.

The platforms are being laid and the line is due to open in July.

There are other small station stops such as Baldwin Ave between Morningside and Mt Albert. I’ve never seen many people alight or disembark there but , while such stops may be a slight nuisance to those wanting to get faster to their more major destination, it serves as an important incentive for locals to use public transport.

Here is how the Te Papapa platform work is going:

Nov 10: Construction starts for Te Papapa - Photos

Onehunga line to be known as the Brown line
Latest photos of the Penrose stop for Onehunga

Onehunga noise issue latest problem




  1. Ian says:

    Spanish White and its derivatives have to be among the worst things ever inflicted on humanity. Combine it with hideous architecture and you get the apartments in the above pics.

  2. Geoff says:

    Apartments? That’s a people barn.


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