Manners Mall Bus Proposal Approved But Fight Continues


Wellington’s Manners Mall will have buses going through it again after the council voted 9 to 5 on the plan.

Construction will start in a few months in a bid to get it happening before the RWC.

But those who oppose the plan say they will lodge an appeal in the Environmental Court.

MANNERS; Buses will soon turn into the mall

MANNERS; Buses will soon turn into the mall

The city mayor, Kerry Prendergast, says she knows not everybody will be happy with the decision and it hasn’t been “an easy one.”

“But after considering all the feedback and the detailed information and advice we have had from a range of transport experts, we are convinced that this needs to happen.

“About 50 percent of Wellingtonians already walk, cycle or use public transport to get to work, which is fantastic. However our population is predicted to grow significantly over the next 20 to 30 years and it is our job as a Council to make decisions that prepare for that. As more people need to get around, the most efficient way will be by public transport.

“This proposal is important because it strengthens the city’s main public transport spine, is in line with the Council’s Transport Strategy and the Ngauranga to Wellington Airport Corridor Plan and along with other improvements, will help make our public transport system more reliable and more attractive.”

She says Wellingtonians will get a new shared public space in lower Cuba Street, improving pedestrian links to Civic Square and the waterfront and compensating for the loss of public space in Manners Mall.

The shared space was not a feature of the original proposal but developed this year in response to public concern about the potential loss of public space.

She said a Transport Agency subsidy and revenue from the 40 additional street car parking spaces that will be created as part of the project will fund about two-thirds of the $6.2 million worth of roading and transport improvements planned. (Interesting to see how that funding works now!)

The Council promises to spend another $4.9 million on public space improvements, including the lower Cuba Street shared space and changes in Wakefield and Dixon streets.

But the debate about Manners Mall continues and passions still run high on the issue.




  1. Jeremy Harris says:

    Normally losing public space would get my blood pumping but losing it public transport use and when it will be offset by extra public space is a good outcome I think…

  2. Brent C says:

    Plenty of other roads to run buses along. Another poor decision made by our decision makers, and everyone seems to be sucked in by it.

  3. Jeremy Harris says:

    To be fair I only know what I’ve read on this blog…


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