Striking While It’s Hot


signsBillboards are being erected today at 20 Auckland motorway onramps to warn truckies about over-height vehicles and unsecured loads striking bridges and information signs.

There are 25 cases of trucks hitting bridges each year – the last incident was at Orams Road Bridge on the southern motorway and cut a vital link between two communities for six weeks and cost around $400,000 to repair.

Common causes of motorway structure strikes include unsecured crane booms and digger arms, incorrectly loaded diggers, loose loads, and uncovered open containers.

This new campaign, led by the NZ Transport agency, promotes the messages that bridge strikes cost the public a lot of money, can be a huge inconvenience through detours and delays, and pose a safety threat to other motorway users.

As part of the campaign, resources including measuring tools and height guidelines will be supplied to heavy haulage and transport industry organisations in the Auckland region.

Current NZTA rules stipulate that the maximum height for a load is 4.25 metres, with over-dimension permits required when a load exceeds five metres. Written permission is required from the bridge or structure owner (usually the NZTA or local council) before travelling if the load height exceeds 4.25 metres.





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