How The Trains Performed In June


DSCN2506You’ve been asking for full details of the Veolia boast of how well they are doing each month.

So here is their full performance report for June including the bad stuff.

Of the 6229 services scheduled for June on the network, 97.1% arrived at their final destination and 81.0% were on time.

Total Network

Punctuality: 81.0%; 12 Month Rolling Average: 85.7%

Service Delivery: 97.1 %; 12 Month Rolling Average: 97.5%

Western line

Punctuality: 80.5%; 12 Month Rolling Average: 87.3% Service Delivery: 96.0%; 12 Month Rolling Average: 96.5%

Eastern line

Punctuality: 78.3%; 12 Month Rolling Average: 83.2%

Service Delivery: 98.0 %; 12 Month Rolling Average: 98.1%

Southern line

Punctuality: 84.1 %; 12 Month Rolling Average: 86.1%

Service Delivery: 97.5%; 12 Month Rolling Average: 97.8%

Veolia Transport endeavours to deliver all services as published in the timetable however, weather, special events, train faults and breakdowns, track and signalling failures, staff issues and operational issues may also affect performance.

Significant events affecting performance in June were as follows:

  • 2 broken rails (as a result of freezing temperatures) on the morning of Friday 5th at Sturges Road and in Purewa Tunnel which resulted in 11 morning peak services being cancelled, and a further 45 being delayed
  • 7 major ONTRACK points and signalling failures at Boston Rd on Wednesday 10th and Monday 15th, Westfield on Wednesday 17th, Otahuhu and Parnell on Thursday 18th,  Morningside on Friday 19th, and New Lynn on Wednesday 24th which in total caused delays to 16 services including 42 cancellations;
  • Disruption caused by two freight train incidents on Tuesday 9th and Friday 19th which resulted in 4 cancellations and delays to 33 other services.
  • 4 days of significant train breakdown failures; 2 occurrences on Wednesday 3rd, 3 on Tuesday 16th, 1 on Wednesday 17th and 1 on Thursday 25th which caused delays to  82 services and the cancellation of 23 services.
  • Operational issues on Monday 15th and Monday 29th affected 81 services including 25 cancellations.





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