Funding Plea Ignored


It seems Auckland Transport’s cries to stop reduced government funding for public transport including rail infrastructure have fallen on deaf ears.
Not that this is a surprise.
A month ago, Transport Minister Steven Joyce released the final version of the Government Policy Statement (GPS) which outlines the land transport outcomes and priorities the Government expects to be realised from its investment through the National Land Transport Fund.
A report to tomorrow’s Auckland Transport Board meeting says that in its response to the GPS engagement document, AT recommended that funding should be increased for local road and P.T. infrastructure, maintenance and renewals, transport planning and road user safety, as the allocations for all these activities was proposed to be reduced. “It was argued that to maintain proposed levels of service and improvements to infrastructure, higher levels of funding was required.”
It reveals: “The final GPS has increased the upper band of funding available for maintenance and renewals, but the funding bands have not been increased for the other activity classes mentioned above.”
And it warns once again:
“Unless Auckland is able to gain a higher proportion of the national funds for the activity classes which have not been increased, it is likely that the national share of funding available for these activity classes will decrease.”

Besides electrification, how can we afford new rail infrastructure?

The funding cutbacks put a question mark on the future funding plans including upgrades to stations and the new Parnell station but a report to the board give this positive update on the proposed Parnell station.

“Further work is progressing to permit the lodgement of an NZTA funding application on the basis that the initial business case has proven to be favourable. On the basis that to achieve construction of this station prior to electrification and thus to avoid considerable additional cost and network disruption we are now on the critical path.”
Let’s hope it can all somehow happen.

At the weekend, Auckland Mayor Len Brown told the launch of the Auckland Harbour Bridge pathway project that with government funding not coming through, all sorts of ideas had to be seriously considered for transport infrastructure including public private partnerships, a congestion tax and tolls.




  1. DanC says:

    Such a shame. I would understand in these hard times if the roading budget had been slashed but no. So Auckland needs to raise the money it self.

  2. Malcolm says:

    Agreed. If the money for new state highways was cut as much as everything else, I dont think we’d be complaining anywhere near as much. Its just so absurdly unbalanced at the moment.

  3. George D says:

    Absolutely ridiculous. The Colossus of Roads has spoken, obviously.

  4. Matt says:

    If the budget for roading was cut dramatically, we’d need a whole lot less debt than is currently being foisted on future taxpayers. All in the name of greedy boomers and their bought-and-paid-for pollie tubbies.

  5. Matt says:

    AT should put up posters in every train and bus explaining that it is the National Party’s policy to defund public transport.

    ie They should be speaking out (and yes, in time for the election)

    Cull the RoNS. Cull National this November.

  6. Jennifer says:

    CBT is planning a public meeting on transport in advance of the election. It will be on 10th November at the Ellen Melville Hall. We are inviting representatives of the major political parties.
    Get the word out.

  7. John Dalley says:

    If Auckland is to become a truely international city with coordinated transport (including roads) it will not be with this National lead government. It is becoming increasingly obvious that it is roads or nothing for Joyce and Shonkey.

  8. Matt says:

    Handlebar Matt, nice idea but I suspect that it won’t happen. Goes completely counter to the expectation that public servants don’t engage in political activities on the public dime unless it’s their job’s purpose. AT’s purpose is not to engage in politicking.

  9. George D says:

    Matt, doesn’t mean that you (and other readers of this blog) can’t do it - or at least print and hand out flyers explaining this…

  10. Matt says:

    George, putting up posters on public transport is likely to result in one being trespassed, unfortunately.

    Handing out fliers is probably legit if you’re outside a station, but I have recollections of security guards being pretty unforgiving of any inside activity that might be other than boarding the train/bus.


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