Puhinui Looks So Fresh


Here’s a way a local company has beaten graffiti at an Auckland train station and enhanced the look at the same time.

The firm Glassmasters provide both a clear and printable film for glass surfaces.

They did this at Puhinui train station.


John Botica of the firm: “It looks great, clears existing grafitti and tends to discourage fresh etching. We can print any image onto the film.”


Good work, Glassmasters. Nice idea.

Let’s suggest some other stations where it can be done.




  1. Bryan says:

    Ranui, for starters (along with some “No Smoking” signs).

  2. Carl says:

    Interesting choice.

    how much did this “shed” cost to build? and how big is actually compared to the platform & amount of people that will be waiting for the train?

  3. KarlHansen says:

    Looks really great - LOVE the fern theme. Like being in a greenhouse in the Auckland Domain.

  4. Matt T says:

    Bryan above hits on an interesting point - Train stations and bus stops in New Zealand need “No Smoking” signs. Victoria has rules about at each and South Australia does not. Guess which one it is more pleasant to wait at? I’d use PT more if it was smoke free.

  5. Jon C says:

    There are no smoking signs on seats at rail stations but hidden away and I have still seen people smoking.

  6. Alphatron says:

    The shelter at Puhinui has been there for at least 5 years if not longer and pre-dates most of the standard ARTA station shelter designs

  7. George D says:

    Hope it works! We’ll find out….

  8. Bevan says:

    The “shed” looks great and certainly pretty protected from wild weather. Just the ticket, wish more stations and stops had substantive shelters.

  9. Rachel says:

    I have seen other amazing images on bus shelters in the Birkdale and Beachhaven area so assume that this is the same company GlassMasters?
    No more graffiti….


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