Council Says No To Wellywood Sign


Wellington City Council has called on Wellington International Airport Ltd to reconsider its silly Wellywood sign proposal.

This puts the Wellington Airport in a difficult situation as it has ignored this week’s protests and says it’s determined to go ahead.

At a full Council meeting, Mayor Celia Wade-Brown successfully moved a motion requesting that WIAL reconsider the decision to erect the Wellywood sign.

The motion, seconded by Cr Paul Eagle, was passed by 10 votes to 4.

“Many, many Wellingtonians have sent a very clear message that they don’t like this project. It would simply be wrong to ignore the level of opposition we have witnessed in recent days, the Mayor says.

“If a sign is to go ahead at Miramar Peninsula I think it should be one that unites the city.”

The Mayor says the airport has contributed significantly to the growth and energy of the Wellington region in the last decade and Wellingtonians are proud of thenew main terminal, opened in 1999, and the edgy Rocks international terminal which opened last year. The new Wild at Heart brand also has been well-received.

“Wellington has worked incredibly hard to build a reputation as the nation’s political and cultural capital, in particular as a city with a creative edge in the film industry. ”The worry with the Wellywood sign is that it could undo much of that good work.






  1. Andrew says:

    Still, with Infratil as the owner, this kind of we’ll-do-what-we-want behaviour is kind-of expected.

  2. Brent C says:

    Consent has been granted already. It is all down to public pressure to whether this sign will be erected.

  3. Andy says:

    Even if it does get built it will vandalised, burnt etc. as soon as any of it goes up. Either that or they will have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on security trying to protect the sign.

  4. Nowellywood says:

    Join the petition against the sign at or any other petition site. Act.


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