School Scheme Eases Congestion


We have all seen how much freer the main arterials during school holidays.

Which means a big difference if students stop travelling by car - or schools introduce some sort of glide time.

It’s estimated that while every morning 245,172 children travel to Auckland schools, over half these trips is made by car.

Auckland Transport’s Community Transport Manager, Mathew Rednall says, about one third of all traffic at peak times is congestion related.

“Further reducing congestion associated with school drop-offs and pick-ups will go a long way to freeing up Auckland’s roads, particularly as our population continues to grow.  Encouraging children to walk to school is also a healthy choice which can be carried on into adulthood.”

So it’s interesting that Auckland Transport claims 7,200 cars have been taken off Auckland’s roads every morning, through its Travelwise school programme.

That programme, run by Auckland Transport, aims to reduce car trips to school by encouraging parents and children to increase active and sustainable travel choices such as walking and improving road safety around primary and intermediate schools.

Auckland’s Mayor Len Brown is presenting the inaugural awards for the programme tonight.

200 schools are in the programme.

More students should use public transport

I don’t know AT estimates this but they claim so far the effects have be to:

  • Reduce car travel by 4.76 per cent taking 7,205 car trips off the road in the mornings
  • Save 2,596,000kms in car travel, about $20.35m a year on congestion, and about 150,000 litres of fuel
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by 735 tonnes each year.
  • There have also been 48 per cent fewer crashes involving pedestrians around Travelwise schools
  • More than $132m has been spent on safety infrastructure like pedestrian crossings and cycle lanes.






  1. Owen Thompson says:

    I walked & cycled to school, and it never killed me.

  2. Andy says:

    And then there will be another attempted kidnapping or a case of stranger danger and they will be saying kids should get dropped off again.

  3. ejtma2003 says:

    Because of the Earthquake in Chch they now operate glidetime for schools, with some starting at 7.30 and finishing at 12.30 and then 1 to 6. The people I know down there say it works very well, and of course the bonus is the school campuses are used twice as much.

  4. Paul in Sydney says:

    Sydney is great during school holidays


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