TranzAlpine Resumes


The TranzAlpine train  between Christchurch and Greymouth is resuming today.

The TranzAlpine and TranzCoastal were suspended following the earthquake in Christchurch.

The TranzAlpine has been suspended until now so resources could be concentrated on the important task of keeping supplies to Christchurch moving via KiwiRail Freight.

The TranzAlpine resumed operations with an 8.15am departure from the Christchurch passenger railway station in Troup Drive, which was undamaged in the earthquake.

KiwiRail will monitor how the TranzAlpine demand goes before making a decision on resuming the TranzCoastal, which operates between Christchurch and Picton. In the meantime, the TranzCoastal service will operate with a coach replacement for at least the next week, also commencing on Monday.

The Overlander, which operates in New Zealand’s North Island, between Wellington and Auckland, is unaffected, and is still operating daily.

Lyttelton Port of Christchurch’s core services are continuing on a path to normality with the resumption of coal deliveries to the port, the arrival of the first log vessel and the scheduling of further container exchanges

Coal stockpiling is resuming in readiness for export.

The services to and from the port are running under a temporary 25km/h speed restriction.






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