Puhoi Hymn in Unison


Auckland Transport says its singing from the same song sheet as Auckland Council on its attitude to the SHI Puhoi-Wellsford Road proposal.

Manager of strategy and planning, Peter Clark, says Auckland Transport is working collaboartelively with Auckland Council officers.

“There are no conflicts with the Auckland Council submission on the project.”

In July and August of last year, NZTA undertook Phase 1 consultation on the project. As a result, NZTA concluded that:

  • When completed, the new highway will be ‘offline’ from the existing SH1
  • There will be access points at Warkworth and Wellsford
  • The question of an access point at Phoi will be further considered with AC in the context of the Auckland Plan
  • The new highway will pass Warkworth to the west and Wellsford to the east

NZTA example of challenging geology

NZTA is now in the process of Phase 2 consultation and has invited feedback on an indicative route between Puhoi and warkworth.

The Auckland Transport’s key submission points are that they:

  • Request NZTA to work with Auckland Transport to ensure that the network is considered as a whole and in particular that implications for the local network are fully considered.
  • Endorse the proposal that the impact on the project on land use, including the impacts on an access point at Puhoi, be considered further through the Auckland Plan process.
  • Encourage NZTA to review staging options to ensure that the most critical issues are addressed early and that the whole project is carried out in a cost effective manner.
  • Support the proposed northern access to Warkworth on the grounds that it provides simpler routes for the major connections and removes more through traffic from the local network than the alternative central connection via Woodcocks Road.




  1. Jon Reeves says:

    I am very concerned about this holiday highway being built, when even NZTA knows it has the worst BCR of any RONs.

    This makes Muldoons Think Big campaign actually seem very good, but this project will cripple NZ.

    We cannot afford to waste $2 billion on this just because one certain Minister of Transport has an unhealthy fetish for it.

  2. Kurt says:

    Agree with you there Jon Reeves.

    We are constantly being told to belt tighten, that the country is sinking further into debt, must have strong business cases for rail, public services etc etc but the madness to spend a fortune on motorways of highly questionable significance continues, business case or not.

    Having said that the one area I can see that needs an upgrade purely for safety reasons is the Dome Valley.

  3. Luke says:

    @Kurt agreed. A dome valley upgrade was being planned, same with a Schewedeys hill deviation, but joyces focus on a new motorway means those upgrades have been cancelled.
    Those upgrades would be under construction NOW, but instead there will be no improvements of any note for 10 years in the case of Warkworth, and 20+ years for the Dome Valley, which is totally unacceptable


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