Better Online Motorway Info


Drivers planning to use Auckland’s motorway network can now access the NZTA website for information about how long their travel will take to selected destinations around the city.

The new service is an on-line extension of the travel time Information displayed on electronic signs located on arterial roads that have access to the motorway network.  Travel times can be viewed here

NZTA says the travel time system provides an estimate that, for a typical 25 minute trip on the motorway, is accurate within four minutes of the actual journey time.

Travel information will be available on-line for the Southern State Highway 1, Northern SH1, and Northwestern SH16motorways and the central motorway junction Spaghetti Junction. The information will be available between 6am to 8pm , every day of the week including public holidays. The NZTA plans to extend the on-line service in 2011 to include the Southwestern Motorway SH20.

NZTA's new centre

The online and roadside travel times are among an extended range of services which the NZTA is providing from its new Traffic Operations Centre at Smales Farm, on Auckland’s North Shore (above).




  1. damian says:

    Nice idea, but what really is the point? All it will do is create more traffic because people will see it is free flowing and decide to travel all at once.

    If they really want to get things moving, put average speed cameras up and set the rush out speed limit to 70kph to prevent the bow wave effect you get from people braking heavily infront of you.


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