New Highway Road Markings


An extensive two-year trial of new road markings are going to be trialled on SH1 between Ohinewai and Huntly just before Christmas.

The new road markings incorporate a painted median approximately one metre wide to provide greater separation between each lane of the highway.  These median markings will be painted as dashed white lines on sections of the highway where overtaking is allowed and solid yellow lines in no overtaking areas, and will be supplemented with rumble strips in places.

NZTA State Highways Manager Kaye Clark says the new road markings are being trialled on busy rural state highways with no median barriers at various locations throughout New Zealand following similar successful trials in several other countries.

Data collection surveys will be carried out at the trial site prior to the work commencing and after the new road markings are installed to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

PS.. I spotted this protest sign on Sandringham Rd where more road work has commenced north of Eden Park where a year or so of work has just finished.




  1. Matt L says:

    One thing I really liked in the US was that even minor highways had rumble strips built into them, it looked like it was just done by a machine that went along after the surface was laid and cut strips out. They were on both the centre line and the road edge and were quite good. The other thing is the centre lane was actually two lanes instead of one like most roads here so it was easier to define your lane.

  2. max says:

    Rumble strips are being rolled out big-time in NZ. I understand we are actually one of the world leaders in research and application of them now.

  3. Andrew says:

    Officials at the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge kept warning us again and again to stay off the SH1 rumble strips.

  4. anthony says:

    In and around Kaikoura they use rumble lines on every marked section on both the middle and the centre of the road. very similar to botts dots on the motorways and expressways.
    this is an example of what i mean below.


  5. anthony says:

    well that didn’t work well….


  6. karl says:

    “Officials at the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge kept warning us again and again to stay off the SH1 rumble strips.”

    Why? The rumble strips used here generally are not the kind that would throw a cyclist, even caught unawares.


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