Onehunga Booming


Onehunga’s new train services are booming.
The line is doing on average 500 passenger journeys a day.
Auckland Transport says it’s well in line with all the projections and calls it “going very well.”
The Onehunga Line recorded 27,000 passengers in the period 19 to 30 September. Included in this number is the patronage carried on Onehunga Line services to and from the Southern Line stations of Ellerslie, Greenlane, Remuera and Newmarket. The introduction of the new services has increased travel options for commuters wishing to travel to or from these stations.

Before the line opened on September 19, ARTA estimated start up patronage on the line for the two hours at morning peak, from 7am to 9am, as at about 100 people boarding at Onehunga. This compared with 3,600 people alighting at Britomart during the morning peak period. This appears to be in line with what’s happening.

In defending the Onehunga platform size, ARTA’s estimates were that the trains departing from Onehunga would be able to take 530 people seated with capacity of 1,000 including standing.

By 2016 patronage is estimated to increase to almost 300 people boarding and, following electrification in 2013/14 the number of trains departing Onehunga will provide 940 seats with a total capacity of 1,840.

It will be interesting to see what happens if the consistent growth for Onehunga is exceeded well before time.




  1. anthony says:

    that is good news. this would encourage the ARTA to make more investments into rail.

  2. Jon C says:

    @Anthony It’s run by the new Auckland Transport as from today.

  3. sam says:

    500 per day isnt huge when compared to big suburban stations like Ellerslie, Papakura, Manurewa, Middlemore, New Lynn or Henderson which each handle well over 1000 per day- but given the poor level of service and its location, its not bad.

    A couple of minutes could be shaved off the trip once the speed restrictions on the new line are lifted (23 mins to Britomart should be possible). Also, More advertising of Bus service connections from the South West would be good… Maybe the Airbus could even alter its route slightly during Peak time when the train is faster (not completely sure if thats a good idea!)

  4. Over reaction? says:

    Re Sams “500 per day isnt huge when compared to big suburban stations like Ellerslie, Papakura, Manurewa, Middlemore, New Lynn or Henderson which each handle well over 1000 per day”

    Sam this is HUGE concidering the stations you have outline have existed with trains for over 80+ years..where as Onehunga line has been closed for 35 years…furthermore - this is only week 7 of operations!

  5. John Dalley says:

    Shove that under/up the “Minister of Roads” nose.

  6. come get some says:

    how much patronage were they expecting?

  7. Luke says:

    Note that the Park and Ride is yet to open.
    Any idea when this will happen?
    hopefully well soon see 30min services all day.
    Also would be good to see 20min frequency peak services. But guess that depends up-on Britomart slots and available rolling stock.

  8. Markee says:

    I am predicting that the opening of the Ped/Cycle bridge over Onehunga Harbour Rd will make access easier and encourage Mangere Bridge residents to make the trip to the station. Decent cycle parking would help alot.

  9. Kurt says:

    Brilliant news. Onehunga platform will need to be extended though.

  10. Scott says:


    “Note that the Park and Ride is yet to open.”

    when did you see it last? I have heard contradictory infomation although I have not seen it with my own eyes.

  11. Andrew says:

    I have used the Park and Ride. It is open.

  12. Luke says:

    @Andrew good to hear, though it is correct that these figures dont include the Parks being open so this should help patronage.
    Is it being well utilised?

  13. Joshua says:

    Luke - driving past today the park looked full.


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