He’s Our Hero


We found a surprise hero the other week when Governor-General Sir Anand Satyanand opened the New Lynn transport hub.

One assumed he would rattle off a long list of polite thank yous to those who were responsible for the project, declare it open and unveil the plaque.

For a person, like the Queen, who has to remain publicly a-political, instead, he went as far as he safely could in calling for Aucklanders to get out their cars and to praise public transport in front of the transport minister and other dignitaries.

“The ongoing investment in Auckland’s public transport is beginning to pay dividends.  I understand that in the last financial year, public transport usage in Auckland increased by almost two million boardings on the previous year, hitting 60 million trips.

“While this is still way below the figures of the 1950s, it is good to see the trend heading in a northwards and correct direction.  Each car that can be taken off the road sees the remaining vehicles get to their destinations more quickly while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“Because they do not have to compete with cars and other vehicles on the road, trains have the ability to transport large numbers of people relatively quickly.”

It was a coup to get the Governor-General along to a public transport opening -something not previously achieved at places like Newmarket or Onehunga.

And he not only carried off the occasion with the dignity expected, but had a commanding presence of the kind one would expect of a royal representative.

NEW LYNN OPENING; Governor-General, Waitakere Mayor, Transport Minister

And in front of all the key decision-makers who decide whether we get any more Auckland public transport projects like airport rail or a CBD loop, he said all the right things concluding:

“As a part of a wider plan to improve the transport options for the people of Auckland—New Zealand’s largest city—this new facility is a further step towards that vision.  It is also a further step toward providing them with the modern 21st century public transportation network that they deserve and have long anticipated.”

So a week later, to have a state-funded TV host question whether Sir Anand is a real New Zealander, presumably because he has a “funny name” and “odd skin colour” compared to Paul Henry’s is beyond belief.

Even worse has been ratings-driven TVNZ’s initial 24 hours  spent trying to excuse his behaviour as if it’s something we are all thinking secretly about the Gov but unlike Henry haven’t got the guts to say.

TVNZ has finally announced it’s giving him a few weeks off, presumably in the hope the fuss dies down.Henry probably watches too much nutcase Fox TV and  thinks the more people talk about him, the better his ratings will be.

But he has well and truly crossed the line.




  1. Good bye Banksie says:

    Perhaps Paul Henry and John Banks could team up for a new tv show? Both could be out of a job!!!

  2. anti-bigot says:

    ‎”Sir Anand Satyanand is one of us. An attack upon him and his place in this Nation is an attack upon all of us.”

  3. karl says:

    Indeed - I mean this wasn’t a slip of the tongue. This was several sentences in a row harping on about how Satyanand should really be thrown out because he’s not a white guy.

  4. joust says:

    just plain racism. I don’t know where tvnz come up with “everyone”s opinions either. The majority of people I’ve spoken to about this are horrified that such nasty prejudice appears to be condoned by our state broadcaster! They’ve changed their decision today, but the damage is done. I wish sunrise was still on - think I’ll switch back to the radio.

  5. Good bye Banksie says:

    Yes, love that radio! Go Marcus Lush in the mornings!

  6. rtc says:

    I was really surprised watching the video how John Key didn’t even seem to think what Paul Henry said was odd. But what a bigotted comment to hear, that’s the sort of rubbish you hear every day in Europe, not NZ.

  7. Joshua says:

    Think it’s sad they haven’t accepted his apology, Paul Henry is one of those people who speak before he thinks sometimes, and although I don’t think the comments that he did make was good in any sense, he apologized more than any politician would of. I definitely won’t watch Breakfast if Paul is gone, he is what makes it, which is what the majority of people I hear say, and it’s always good to hear someone who doesn’t conform to the PC bull we have here.

    This is the first time Paul has said something that I thought was below the line, everything else has been fair game as far as I’m concerned and as they say, it’s what we would say if we had the balls.

    On a lighter note - It’s good to hear promotions of Public Transport coming from people in high places such as the Governor General.

  8. Olivia says:

    Being that Paul Henry is employed by the state broadcaster I’d expect him to be capable of something as simple as “thinking before he speaks”, as is he not a child, but rather someone whose opinion is televised and watched by thousands.

    Secondly, this is the first time he’s gone below the line for you? So his homophobic remarks were fine? His mocking of the mentally disabled? His blatant misogyny?

    Lastly, I can assure you he doesn’t say anything that I’m thinking. And can you think of why you don’t say such things? Is it maybe because you know they’re wrong?

    If there’s one thing I’m sick of hearing about from his supporters it’s praise for his “non-PC” opinions. What’s so wrong with not saying blatantly bigoted things? Heaven forbid marginalised people have a problem with being called “retarded” or “unnatural” on national television, they should just get over it! It’s a lot easier than thinking about what you say and that your words have an impact on others!

    And if Henry really had balls, he’d say those insults to people’s faces instead of giggling behind their backs like the coward he is. I hope he gets fired for this, he’s done more than enough to warrant it at this stage.

  9. Joshua says:

    lol, If they fired him the ratings would plummet, most likely because people would of lost things to complain about. Remember every complaint you get is a person watching. Secondly taking his homophobic remarks and mocking of the mentally disabled as you put it, when taken in context, I have no problem with it, as I said though it’s my thoughts, which maybe different. I guess I just like that he is not conforming to our PC environment, where you cant say or do anything that could harm somebody.

    And also I’ve seen him say those types of things to peoples faces, especially to politicians faces. In all he deserves what he has got, but nothing more.

    I stand by my original comment.

  10. GJA says:

    @ Olivia - “Lastly, I can assure you he doesn’t say anything that I’m thinking.” I do not agree 100% with Paul said, but there is a lot of racism in Our Country. We might not have it on our law books, like another country in the Southern hemisphere had until 1994.

    Just have a look at the following polls:

    Only 32% said on NZ Herald that his suspension was too mild. Does that mean 68% want him to be wrapped over the knuckles and come back in two weeks?

    Lastly, when I looked 53% of the voters out of ~35k said Paul is still good value. http://post.polls.yahoo.com/quiz/quizresults.php?poll_id=57190&wv=1

    He’ll be back :-)

  11. Olivia says:

    Yes, we all know ratings are much more important than not having bigoted views spewed to thousands on a daily basis,. And personally I boycott Breakfast because of him, I only heard about it when he was suspended. So this complaint isn’t a viewer.

    “I guess I just like that he is not conforming to our PC environment, where you cant say or do anything that could harm somebody.”

    Well what do you say to that? You don’t like having to not say hurtful things to people? Poor you, unable to mock those who are different or tell them how much they disgust you. I really do feel oh so sorry for you. *plays world’s smallest violin*

  12. Joshua says:

    If you enjoy walking around tiptoeing making sure not to hurt the feelings of a stranger and afraid to express your opinion because you may unintentionally hurt the feelings of someone in the world, if thats your idea of freedom then all to their own. However most people I have talked to, have a different idea, they don’t like walking around in fair of causing hurt, they want to express themselves in their way.

    “Well what do you say to that? You don’t like having to not say hurtful things to people? Poor you, unable to mock those who are different or tell them how much they disgust you. I really do feel oh so sorry for you. *plays world’s smallest violin*” - I never said I enjoy saying hurtful things, I just don’t want to tiptoe everywhere restricting my opinions just incase.

    The thing is if you don’t like him you don’t watch it, easy, thats what you are doing which I respect. Personally I enjoy it so I will continue to watch, so what is with all these people complaining, we the people also have the right to watch what we want.

  13. Doloras says:

    @Joshua: so, you think that being a homophobe, mocking women for facial hair, calling people retards is just “expressing yourself” and there’s nothing wrong with it? I disagree, and I think you have to come to terms with the fact that the majority of New Zealanders don’t agree either. We call it bullying, and creating an oppressive environment for people who’re somehow different from the mainstream.

  14. karl says:

    I agree with Olviia and Doloras - arguing that “it’s what we would say if we had the balls” is very arrogant (and just in line with PH’s own claims), because it says that I am at heart, as rude, crude and spiteful as this guy.

    I am not, and while I respect freedom of speech, this guy is not saying these things as a private person. Kick him out of his state-financed job!

  15. nzbcfanboi says:

    Agreed Doloras I think once Paul Henry mocks the Jews we’ll know he’s really a part of the National Front. I suggest listening to Morning Report on RNZ National *does a Paul* presented by real straight white men

  16. Joshua says:

    “once Paul Henry mocks the Jews we’ll know he’s really a part of the National Front.” - Considering our Prime minsister has a Jewish background???

    “being a homophobe, mocking women for facial hair, calling people retards is just “expressing yourself” and there’s nothing wrong with it?” - Some of these things are taken out of context, well at least the facial hair one. I think people who take offence from Pauls comments need to grow up, we all know what paul is like, thats why NZ love him.

    “I think you have to come to terms with the fact that the majority of New Zealanders don’t agree either” - then why is the ratings higher when he there? I think thats the sure sign of what people think. Also check out facebook, the amount of people in support of Henry significantly outweigh that of people against him. So maybe you should check the mirrior on a statement like that.

  17. Ian says:

    I just can’t understand why anyone, xenophobe or otherwise, would watch morning television.

  18. cogload says:

    GG praises public transport in opening and makes veiled comments about cars….(implied criticism…hmmmm)

    Former Nats candidate and TV bod has a go with the PM on the sofa a few days later……

    Are these two bt any chance related? I think you lot should be told…..


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