C&R: Yes To Loop, No To Airport Rail


The Citizens and Ratepayers team released its transport policy today –yes to the CBD rail loop but no to airport rail and North Shore rail.

It says that funding shortfalls mean that transport projects must be prioritized and broken down into manageable stages.

C&R says it would focus on the Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy , the Auckland Transport Plan  and the Government Policy Statement as providing the transport blueprint for the region.

“We see the introduction of integrated ticketing, the construction of the CBD rail link to complete the Rapid Transit Network, and completing the SH20 Waterview connection as being central to ensuring there are major improvements in the region’s transport system”, says the Citizens and Ratepayers candidate for the North Shore, and former North Shore Mayor, George Wood.

C&R’s statement says the group’s priority projects are consistent with the ARLTS, which extends out to 2040, however some of the longer term ARLTS projects fall outside the potential funding capabilities. “Priorities over a 30 year period may change and will be up for regular review, but currently we do not believe projects such as a third Waitemata Harbour crossing, rail links to Auckland Airport and rail North to Albany should be considered as the most pressing,” says George Wood. ”

The group says the Auckland Transport Plan published by ARTA in 2009 shows they require nearly $15 billion over the next ten years. “If the full construction of the SH20 Waterview connection, CBD rail tunnel, rail to Auckland airport and the additional Waitemata Harbour crossing are all included, the total funding required over ten years amounts to $22 billion, so we must prioritise,” says Linda Cooper.

C&R says its connections with the current Government will be used to bring solutions to difficult transport issues such as the Auckland CBD tunnel, and the new Auckland Council must forge a formal agreement with the Government to develop the mechanisms to fund the priority projects. “We will also be pushing for improved transport across a broad front including walking, cycling, ferries, buses, rail and roading,” says George Wood.




  1. Matt L says:

    All I can see here is a party with no vision to improve Auckland, in fact the opposite, it seems they think that by keeping things effectively as the status quo with minor improvements will make Auckland better. The thing these fools fail to realise is that everyday Aucklanders are crying out for improvements.

  2. JBR says:

    It would seem, based on their policy, they really lack the creditials as leaders with vision for Auckland. We could find kindergarten children with more vision. C & R vague, boring with all the old money behind them.

    C & R = yawn

  3. rtc says:

    You only have to look at the fact that the chair of the Auckland City Council transport committee who is a cit rat member doesn’t even know which bus companies run buses in Auckland to realise that they have been lacking the credentials for years to run Auckland’s transport system. We need people who will push for big improvements not just stick to the status quo.

  4. Matt L says:

    Looks like C&R are at odds with what the public want. Rail to the airport tops the list above road improvements.


  5. JBR says:

    C & R have so missed read to what the public want. Are they on the way out these elections? The public seem to realise they don’t know what they’re doing.

    C & R and ACT going down together?

  6. Ian says:

    C&R are just trying to be all things to all people. My pick is that after the CBD tunnel, or even before it, the big push will be for an extension of the Manukau line to Flat Bush. Bets anyone?


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