Rob Roy Shift Resuming


Day 2 and can they finish her this time?
After work was stopped moving the historic Rob Roy tavern last night, workers are arriving back at the site this morning hoping they can nudge her where she needs to go -  40 metres up the road.
They very slowly have got the 124-year old Bird Cage 19 metres- which is almost half way. That took about 12 hours yesterday.

19 metres to go

The hotel has been placed on runway beams just below ground level.
Additional structural bracing was added to keep the building rigid. Hydraulic arms then push it gently and very slowly along the beams up the road, where temporary foundations will be ready for it.

NZTA spokesmen say they want to play it safe so they were correct in halting last night. The building is old and fragile. the old dear’s bricks and mortar are not strong.

Once again this morning, it’s attracting considerable interest from passers-by but there’s not a lot of movement to see!

The 2-storey masonry building was built in 1885-86 and has a Category 1 Historic Places Trust classification. Its one storey basement is not being moved.

New foundation beams were built at the base of the brick walls and the building supported by the beams when moved.
The focus becomes moving the foundation beam frame, letting the tavern structure piggyback on it.

The firm doing the job also moved Wellington’s Museum Hotel but this way.

It’ll be another long day for the workers.

Videos of yesterday’s work are here and Photos here





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