Greenpeace Shuts BP Stations


BP stations throughout central London were prevented from selling petrol this morning by Greenpeace activists who shut them and put up signs which say: “Closed. Moving beyond petroleum”.

50 stations have been immobilised by small teams which used a shut-off switch to stop the flow of fuel at each location. The switches were then safely removed and taken away to prevent the stations from re-opening.

At one station in Camden, North London, Greenpeace climbers have replaced BP’s now infamous logo with a new version showing the green ‘sunflower’ disappearing into a sea of oil.

BP is today announcing  to announce the appointment of Bob Dudley as the company’s new CEO.

Greenpeace is urging Dudley, who once worked at BP’s solar and wind business to take the company in a new direction after his predecessor’s obsession with high risk, environmentally reckless sources of oil.

Greenpeace ‘s John Sauven, said under present CEO, Tony Hayward, the company went backwards, squeezing the last drops of oil from places like the Gulf of Mexico, the tar sands of Canada and even the fragile Arctic wilderness.

“We’ve shut down all of BP’s stations in London to give the new boss a chance to come up with a better plan. They’re desperate for us to believe they’re going ‘beyond petroleum’. Well now’s the time to prove it.”

BP reported a second-quarter loss of US$17 billion, including US$32 billion in charges related to the oil spill, the largest in U.S. history. It also announced plans to sell US$30 billion in assets over the next 18 months to help cover its liabilities.

Greenpeace NZ Campaigns Director Carmen Gravatt says New Zealand continues to think in 19th century economic terms.

“Clean technology represents a huge economic opportunity that New Zealand simply can’t afford to miss - a chance to achieve the sort of sustainable growth and a knowledge-led economy that will be the pillar of the 21st century green revolution. What we need from John Key’s Government is a clear commitment to investing in clean technologies.”
15,000 people have signed Greenpeace’s new online petition against any new offshore oil wells, and any expansion of coal mining operations, since the petition was launched four weeks ago.




  1. Paul says:

    Can they do that? And the Police? Amazing!

  2. anthony says:

    Awesome, way to get peoples attention, I hope that one day BP shuts down thier drilling and exploration

  3. Harry says:

    Cool, Greenpeace should organize something like this here.

  4. Martin says:

    Why only BP when Shell, Exxon, et al. are as bad, if not worse… Only reason they got away with this is the police in London are still reeling from the out come of the G20 summit.

  5. Carl says:

    anything can be done in london, its because they are organised. Like when all the drivers a few years back parked up there trucks for that diesel protest. some farmers where i use to live thought about driving there tractors down the motorway in a silent protest. word go out and the police start driving around telling them not to do it. The should have done it anyway, it would have caused a major stir.

    I feel things like this are totally about disruption, they work because the people that don’t careless get screwed up on there everyday life cycle, esp in london where its hard to buy fuel and for some crazy reason, BP actually has a lot of service stations.

    I’m not a fan of all green peaces work, but good on them for this. bit of an ambush I reckon.

    police probably couldn’t get them because the likelyhood of it is they probably did most of the work at night time…

  6. Jeremy Harris says:

    The “big 5″ western oil companies only make up 12% of the world’s oil production and own even less of the remaining supplies, so unless Greenpeace has the balls to shut down Middle Eastern SOE’s (like Aramco’s) gas stations within Saudi Arabia it was a pretty pointless exercise…

  7. karl says:

    Meh, I say we leave the remaining fuel to the Saudi’s. I’m getting sick of thinking of the fact that we have been financing Wahhabist missionaries and despotic monarchs (who have no claim to the oil they are sitting on) for decades.

    A massive transfer of wealth from the first world to the Middle East, where it gets wasted on frippery and fanaticism.

  8. Joshua says:

    Typical pointless work from Greenpeace, I guess they wouldn’t have been smart enough to get sponsorship from the other gas stations, as they would of been the only people to benefit from it.

    Do feel sorry for BP though, getting massive slack for a oil slick , which we know doesn’t have long term effects on the environment, now they have to put up with greenies ruining their business income. I wonder what greeny proper-gander i’m now going to hear from posting this? Cant wait.

  9. Anthony M says:


    typical people who only seem to care about themselves instead of the earth! Boy, if this sort of thing continued, society as we know is so screwed, maybe I shouldn’t have kids in the future…..

  10. karl says:

    Sorry Joshua, your post already speaks for itself, why should I comment on it except by calling attention to its beauty?


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