Outrageous Fortune


Westies have got lucky.

The Outpost of the Western Line, Waitakere train station, hasn’t got the flash urban look of Grafton and at this rate, never will.

It’s not even on the electric train list.

But the potholes in the carpark are going.

And a reader, who sent in photographic proof of this, says it’s choice:

Yes, at long last the Waitakere train station, at the end of the line, is being shown some love.

The last work they did was at least two years ago when they “upgraded the security” of our shelter / bunker by cutting a hole in the cinder-block wall, so it’s about time.

You can keep your fancy courtesy seats, security cameras, intercoms (heck, who needs know if there’s a delay, eh?) and yellow dots for the visually impaired, because we’re getting a revamp of the car park, baby!

No longer do we need to negotiate the pot holes (in some cases, half way up the knee).

No longer will the local hoons have a handy location to spray gravel as they impress the ladies with their sweet doughies.

Because it’s luxurious asphalt for us!

ZOMG, and a dedicated pedestrian footpath!!!! Looks like work will be finished this week.

Good on ya. You deserve it. Those potholes look pretty mean. And thanks for supporting the trains Way out West.




  1. Hesky says:

    Hope the sturges bridge will be showing some love too.

  2. Richard says:

    The local councils are having a big spend-up before they pass the books over to the “Super City”
    The same is happening on the North Shore, but I wish they would make a car park at Akaranga bus station.

  3. Geoff says:

    It’s just a shame that the new car park is significantly smaller than the old one. Only about 65% of the car park area is being upgraded for cars, with the rest to be landscaped.


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