How To Kill Off Cycling


NZTA is really getting behind cycling -with the launch today of the Northwestern motorway Kingsland cycleway - riding it was my highlight of the day!

And it’s working on an exciting extension of it into the city for next year.

Now, as for Auckland City -  what’s up with this email which is tonight flying around the local cycling world?

Dear Nextbike Rider,

You may have noticed recently a few less Nextbike pick up and drop off points around the city and more Nextbikes at some of the bike rack locations around town.

Recently Auckland City Council asked us to remove Nextbikes which are not at bike racks.

One of the biggest challenges for Nextbike has been the lack of bike racks in Auckland.

According to the Regional Council their are less than 300 in the entire region. These are not spread particularly logically, with entire suburbs like Ponsonby and Parnell with no racks.

This left us having to use street furniture to secure the bikes on and to provide a network.

Nextbikes near the Mt Eden rail station

If you’re unable able to find Nextbikes at one of these street furniture locations from the end of April, this will be why.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We’d also ask that you return Nextbikes to bike racks if they are in your vicinity. We are engaged in an ongoing process to get more racks on the streets of Auckland, as much for the public as for Nextbike use. Hopefully before too long there will be more than enough for Aucklands growing cycle culture.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.

Your Nextbike team




  1. Su Yin Khoo says:

    ” … with entire suburbs like Ponsonby and Parnell with no racks.”

    You have to wonder why not as they have the weekend markets and many shops that are great to get to by bike.

    (The lack of) bike parking is a bit of a problem. I sometimes spend ages first finding something to lock up my bike to, and then debating which is the best so that it won’t obstruct pedestrians or get knocked about by a car.

    Best of luck to Julian and the team for striking a compromise with the council! I love the presence of these Nextbikes in the city.

  2. Richard says:

    The helmet law is a big enough deterrent to bike hire without this sort of nonsense. The law requires a helmet to fit properly and it took me five before I was able to purchase one that fitted properly and then it was still uncomfortable but less so than the others.

    Does the hire company have a rack of different size helmets to pick from? Overseas in cycling friendly countries you just pay, grab the bike and go of course.

  3. max says:

    Richard, the helmets have adjustable straps with a little wheelie-thingie that you can turn to tighten the head strap and normal adjustment straps for the chin. You couldn’t really provide multiple helmets with each bike anyway!

    In my talks with those who use Nextbike (as well as in my own use, obviously, maybe once twice a week at the moment) I have never had anyone complain about troubles with the helmets.

  4. Julian Hulls says:


    Firstly thankyou for your support, it means a lot. Clearly you are as frustrated as we are.

    It would be very useful if you would take the time to right a short email of support to Councillor Ken Baguley, Chair of Auckland City Councils Transport Committee. This will need to be sent as soon as possible to get the wheels in Council moving ready for our next season.

    Please forward any copies of emails to me ( [email protected] ) so I can add them to the business case for more bike racks, that I’m currently completing on behalf of Auckland City Councils Transport Team.

    I have drafted a basic outline that you might like to follow

    [email protected]

    Dear Ken Baguley
    I am writing to you because I am surprised that your Council has asked Nextbike to reduce it’s number of bikes and use only bike racks to secure Nextbikes. Their are large parts of central Auckland with no bike racks or very low numbers placed in awkward places. As a user of Nextbike I will no longer be able to ride to Victoria Park, Ponsonby, Parnell, Kingsland, the Univeristy quarter or the Hospital. I think you need to put in more racks.

    I have used Nextbikes XXX times and have found it to be really handy. The bikes are strong, simple and easy to ride. I have seen similar schemes in operation overseas and was very excited to see Nextbike start in Auckland. This is exactly the sort of project that Auckland should be supporting and I urge you to help Nextbike in anyway possible.

    The new cycle lanes and paths that are going in around Auckland are great, but unless their are places to lock bikes for locals, and companies offering easy bike rental for the tourists what is the point. Please make sure that Nextbike are able to continue and that you encourage them to grow.

    Feel free to add or subtract as you see fit.


  5. Stranded on the North Shore says:

    That’s excellent Julian, will definitely support and do my bit.


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