Inner City Night Detours


From Sunday for about three nights,  there will be night time closures at the Hobson Street /Pitt Street /Union Street intersection with the Southern and Northwestern motorways in central Auckland.

The closures will be in place between 8pm and 5am.  The closures will affect traffic wanting to join and leave the motorways at the intersection. Detours will be in place.

The work is linked to the current upgrade of the traffic island at the intersection. Old line markings will be removed and replaced, and new wiring to control traffic signal phases installed.

During the closures, traffic will be diverted via Cook Street, Greys Avenue and Sam Wrigley Street, and Union Street, and also Vincent Street some nights.




  1. max says:

    Interesting - what upgrade of a traffic island?

    I hope they finally change the crossing over Hobson Street to an automatic pedestrian phase. It is ridiculous that when cars pass across the stopped Hobson traffic, pedestrians cannot go across too (even though there is no ability to turn into Hobson, it being a one-way street) unless they arrived in time to push the button.

    Why do all NZ pedestrian signals have to be linked to push buttons? It’s just so negative for pedestrians at those intersections where the demand is below the level that you can depend on the ped phase being called.

  2. Su Yin says:

    I second that Max! Especially when it meant that unless you were very brave, it’s impossible to cross that six-lane highway without being at a ped crossing.

    The Mayoral Dr/Hobson St intersection also needs a rethink as you can only cross in three directions.

  3. max says:

    I’ve though about that a lot, but it is so hard to get a suitable crossing over a wide one-way road that ISN’T signalised. The standard treatment (breaking it up into more than one step via refuge islands) doesn’t really work, raised crossings are inappropriate…

    One more reason to lose the one-way systems!

  4. Su Yin says:

    I’ve always found the Nelson/Hobson/Union/Cook Sts one-way system a little peculiar but I suppose they make sense as beautiful segues into the motorway

  5. max says:

    Which means that the motorway is more important than our CBD.

    Sound a bit strange to you?

  6. Su Yin says:

    Strange, yes. Surprising, no.


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