Avondale’s Odd Opening: All Go, No Go! - Latest Photos


Avondale’s new station is nearing completion - and is on for an odd opening.

The level construction on the new station platforms at Layard St is now making good progress and the structure will be complete in the next few weeks.

But don’t expect to be using it then.

Once, completed, the station will then be fenced off and won’t be open until  June.

This is so other parts of the neighbouring rail network are sorted at the same time.

The crossing at St Georges Rd will be finished in June when the new rail signals are installed at the same time as in Avondale and New Lynn.

St Georges Rd was the site of intensive activity in December and January as a second track was laid through the area.

It followed similar work at Chalmers St and St Jude St, which have been completely double-tracked and upgraded with new pedestrian mazes and roading.




  1. max says:

    They may have a reason to not open it, but I don’t quite understand it? Because they are still working in the rail corridor close by?

  2. joust says:

    why not just start using it, does there need to be a big formal western-line double tracking opening first?

  3. Kegan says:

    I think the junction part way along the platforms means the station cannot be used until the double line is finished.

  4. Jezza says:

    Is it just the photo or is that station on a bit of a gradient..?

  5. Matt L says:

    Jezza - Its on a bit of a gradient but it is at the top of the hill so just after the station it levels out.

  6. Commuter says:

    Had the new Avondale train station been open this morning while it was raining, intending passengers on the Waitakere side using the ‘shelter’ would have been soaked as the rain was falling at approximately an 80º angle; really intelligent design! It would appear too that the footbridge that was initially mooted has only recently been cut out of the picture; what look suspiciously like pre-cast footings for such a structure are lurking in the old Avondale goods yard. This may possibly be a result of the recent budget revisions brought about by a constriction in NZTA funding. Hopefully when the first fatality occurs on the crossing adjacent to Avondale Primary School, media investigations will allocate due responsibility to the politicians who decided that funding for PT projects must be cut while increasing the allocations for motorways of national significance.


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