City Car Park Building Fraud Unresolved


Auckland City is having to replace the car parking machines in its city car park buildings because of the credit card fraud, which may have fleeced thousands of customers.

The cause of the fraud has still not been resolved. The council said today that the police are still investigating but “the precise nature of the credit card fraud has not been definitively identified.”

It has never been revealed whether the scammers used some sort of skimming device attached to the machines or it was some internal issue.

What was known was that Downtown car park customers later found transactions on their credit card from Arizona that didn’t belong to them.

Banks joined the dots together on the cases to find the common ingredient was that those scammed had used the council car park. The council says today that after that discovery, it commissioned an independent assessment of the credit card operations systems in all car parks.

“The independent assessment and our internal reviews confirmed the current system is quite old, and while it was fit for purpose at the time it was installed, there are now better systems available. “

The council says it’s “proceeding with the installation of a state-of-the-art system which is currently going through the procurement process.  We are keen for an early implementation but have yet get a confirmed date for installation.”





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