KiwiRail Reply On Newmarket Track Issue


KiwiRail has confirmed the Newmarket track design change but says it has laid a concrete pad if such a connection happens in the future.

A KiwiRail spokesperson says it believes the third rail link is not necessary at the moment as “there are enough alternative traffic routes through the junction without it.”

The decision not to install one of the track links between the western line and platform 4 at the new Newmarket station as originally planned has upset ARC chairman Mike Lee.



  1. Jon R says:

    The key points here are:

    - The 3rd link was planned for.
    - The 3rd link was funded for in the project.
    - Auckland trains DO BREAK DOWN
    - Crossovers DO FAIL
    - Maximum flexibility IS required at this key station.

    What will happen when a) a train breaks down at Newmarket station? b) points fail at one of the cross overs?

    Do we half build motorway interchanges? No. So why is a not completed, as agreed, Newmarket station ok?

    Can someone advise what has happened to the ordered crossover for Newmarket station?

  2. Matt L says:

    I wonder if by leaving it out it makes the case for the CBD rail tunnel stonger. In that is the case it could end up a smart move by kiwirail

  3. Joshua says:

    John R - I dont see a great need for it at the moment, and they have provision for it, my concern is that when we do need it; will it be built?

    The risk of those two tracks not working is not high enough to justify it, it would be more of a flexibility feature during main events, the fact is it is more likely the whole station needs to be shut down than those two particular tracks working and the 3rd one to be free.

  4. Steve W says:

    I think with the brakes put on spending by KiwiRail (thanks to Mr Joyce). I’ll have to agree with Joshua at this point in time.
    Any money being spent on the Auckland subbie network, is something that is being supplied as a public service by the government though KiwiRail and is loss making.

    I can see that this track will be required some day and at least KiwiRail should be able to bring it on line relatively easily.

    Provisioning is a great idea. It would have saved an awful lot of money if bridge heights, tunnel heights etc for electrification had been provisioned in the first instance for example.

    Personally I would prefer to have any savings spent on, say the repair of the Stratford to Okahukura Line

  5. James Pole says:

    Half built motorway interchanges? Anyone heard of the Spaghetti Junction? Only just recently (after a decade or two) introduced north-west links!

  6. Johans says:

    I thought the third link was funded? If so where the hell is the money?

  7. Simon says:

    @Johans. That is the issue for me. If it was paid for it should be built whether needed immediately or not. If someone pays for something they expect to get what they paid for and not 3/4 of what they paid for, right?

  8. Johans says:


    Probably the money was contributed to the demolishing of the temporary train stations. Who knows?

    “A KiwiRail spokesperson says it believes the third rail link is not necessary at the moment as “there are enough alternative traffic routes through the junction without it.”

    Mmmm where did I hear this before? Oh yes… when they

  9. Johans says:

    *built Britomart

    That damn Submit Comment button!


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