Bridge Lanes Being Re-Surfaced, While Big Decision Looms


Resurfacing work has started on the southbound clip-on lanes of the Auckland Harbour Bridge. The resealing coincides with work to strengthen the clip-ons.

But the bigger news will be the Government’s decision on another harbour crossing - a decision expected within the first two months of this year.

The word is that ministers are presently leaning towards the Anzac bridge concept because of its cost and iconic nature in name, but the NZTA has recommended the tunnel option, while emphasising it’s up to the government to make the final call.

The NZTA-commissioned engineering report into the state of the present bridge warned: “The bridge is a major steel structure so the current “level of service” will be reduced when either the bridge load capacity is exceeded and can’t be further increased, or when the rate of fatigue cracking is occuring at a rate faster than repairs can be completed.”

While all proposals have spoken on futureproofing a rail link, there is no proposal on the table for a North Shore rail service so the government would be comfortable in moving ahead with just a vehicle crossing at this stage, while making some allowance for some form of cycle / walkway.

It should prove to be on the most interesting debates for Auckland and transport early in 2010.

Meanwhile, if you’re crossing the bridge, take note of the traffic restrictions while resurfacing is done.

The two southbound clip-on lanes of the bridge will be closed until Tuesday January 5.

Shelly Beach Road off-ramp is closed and those who usually use this, have to carry on to the Fanshawe Street off-ramp.




  1. rtc says:

    Is it seriously the case that they are ‘leaning’ towards the Anzac bridge? I honestly hope that there is huge opposition from Auckland if that is the case, the effect that this will have on the tank farm alone should be enough to scuttle it along with the fact that the NZTA report recommended tunnels and the fact that the Anzac bridge is an attempt to get work by a roading lobbying. This isn’t even taking into account the fact that it pays lipservice to PT with a tram that doesn’t fit in with the system in Auckland in place which has no trams.

  2. Matt says:

    What would be the point of having agencys like NZTA if their advise and recomendations are just ignored.

    Further to this from the info I have seen they are proposing building an Anzac bridge and then removing the existing harbour bridge. This would just defeat the purpose of having a another harbour crossing and mean that 1 point of failure could destroy the entire network. Not to mention the fact tank farm would become imposible.

  3. Cam says:

    If they build the bridge it will be another short sighted stupid move for Auckland. We need a sceond crossing not just a replacement. Plus seeing where is is supposed to cross i can’t see how it would link up with the Victoria park tunnel. The fact it will destroy a large part of the tank farm will not enter into Joyce’s thinking.

    If they do build the bridge what’s the bet Joyce reduces costs further by removing the the rail component. It’s really worrying that people think Joyce is doing a great job because he’s rushing through a bunch of roading projects. I agree with Matt, what is the point of having NZTA if the transport minister is just going to ignore them and ram through what he wants.

  4. jarbury says:

    I agree that it would be utterly stupid to go with the bridge option. For a start, it’s highly debatable whether we “need” another crossing. Surely we could just pre-cast the clip ons and “clip” them into place over the course of the summer break? (One at a time of course).

    Traffic on the Harbour Bridge has been steady or declining over the past 5 years, so that doesn’t convince me we need many more lanes crossing the harbour either.

    Finally, if we are going to have another crossing then it would make sense for it to be just that: ANOTHER crossing. Spending $2 billion to end up with just one crossing seems utterly bizarre.

  5. Brent C says:

    Why take down a perfectly good bridge? Its the clip -on’s which are the problem!

    Its a nice idea, but that’s all it is. Maybe they should focus their attention on the Manukau Harbour bridge instead!


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