New Lynn Project Ahead Of Schedule (Latest Photos)


NL trainNew Lynn’s train station and transport interchange project gets more exciting by the week.

NY longview

The trench walls are complete, and the concrete base slabs for the floor of the trench are steadily being laid as excavation continues. Work has begun on the cantilever walkway which will run along the southern side of the trench from the Clark St / Rankin Ave intersection to Hetana Street. Construction is also happening inside the trench to build the station.

NL crane

The track that is currently running along the top of the finished northern trench wall is scheduled to be moved into the trench around April.  A temporary station will be in place inside the trench.

NY tracks

The rail station is part of the integrated bus and train transport interchange at the junction of Clark St, Totara Avenue and Memorial Drive in New Lynn. An island platform will be located within the trench, positioned between Memorial Drive to the west and Hetana Street to the east.  Primary access to the station platform will be via the  interchange sited over the trench between Rankin Avenue and  Memorial Drive. Bus bays are located to the north and south of  the interchange, on Totara Avenue and Clark Street respectively.

new llynn nailsThe interchange will accommodate facilities such as a waiting area, bike racks, public toilets, a cleaner’s room and staff  facilities. Access from the interchange to the platform will be possible via stairs, lift or escalators. A second stairway located at the eastern end of the platform connects to Hetana Street.

New NL

New station | ARTA

Construction is ahead of schedule with it all completed - the station, interchange and second line by next September.

NL lights




  1. Ian says:

    In the second pic to right of the digger there appears to be two basking fur seals.

  2. Joshua says:

    They are actually bark mulched or compost mulched socks for environmental treatment. However close comparison.

  3. George Darroch says:

    Ahead of schedule! Good news, for a change!


    track laying from the new developing station at avondale to whau creek bridge has begun, things are speeding up now.


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