Greens think public transport is the main issue for Mt Albert


The Greens have selected public transport as the key issue for Mt Albert in the forthcoming by-election campaign.

The party has set up a site for their campaign and to promote Wellington-based co-leader Russel Norman who is standing  (he says in an email to supporters today that he would move back to Auckland if he wins).

“The Greens think that public transport is going to be one of the major issues confronting voters in the Mt Albert byelection. This by-election is a great opportunity for voters to tell Labour and National they are sick of the old grey thinking about our economy and our transport in Auckland. 75% of Aucklanders have said they wanted at least as much money invested in better buses, trains, and ferries, as spent on more motorways and highways.  By voting Green in Mount Albert residents can send a clear signal that they want better public transport instead.”

Great to have public transport highlighted as an issue in a campaign that will get media attention but I would think the economy is the key issue for inner-city Mt Albertians who are close enough to probably walk to the city if they’re desperate! But I’m just a train guy so I leave it to the experts.





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