Fort St Shared Space Starts


Construction is well underway to create a Shared Space in Fort St in the CBD.

This involves wider and better quality footpaths , vegetation and trees, a cleaner more attractive street environment and better lighting and security.

A key to shared spaces is what happens with parking and there has been a lot of debate around the $23m Fort St concept.

With Fort St, last I heard it was planned that buses not be permitted to enter the shared space area, and instead enter via Gore Street.

Taxi parking will be provided in Gore Street and lower Shortland Street. To support the creation of a successful shared space the draft design proposes to remove all private vehicle parking within the shared space areas.

Motorcycle and bicycle parking will be included. The removal of parking will provide greater space for people, outdoor dining and other activities.

The exception will be police parking in the Fort Street west area given the close proximity to downtown police station. Pay and display parking will be retained on Gore and Commerce streets, with carpark bays proposed within the area. Mobility parking on Fort Street is proposed to be relocated to lower Shortland Street.

With the Fort St project, the first stage, covering Fort Street (between Queen Street and Commerce Street), Jean Batten Place, Fort Lane and lower Shortland Street will be completed by August 2011.

The streets for upgrade are:

Fort Street
Fort Lane
Jean Batten Place
Gore and Commerce Streets (between Fort and Customs Streets)
Shortland Street (between Queen Street and Jean Batten Place).




  1. [...] the first stage of the $23m Fort St project, covering Fort Street (between Queen Street and Commerce Street), Jean Batten Place, Fort Lane and [...]


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