Study Urges New Cruise Terminal


ARC chair Mike Lee has repeated his call for a new attractive fit-for-purpose international cruise ship terminal on Queens Wharf, saying that Auckland has to take this opportunity seriously.

A new study on New Zealand’s cruise industry, released today,  supports the need for a world-class, international cruise ship terminal on Auckland’s waterfront.
The New Zealand Cruise Industry Study prepared by Market Economics confirms that Auckland received over $163 million of total cruise industry direct expenditure during the 2009/10 cruise season. This is almost 60 per cent of national direct spend, and generated another $63 million through value-added services.

“In a difficult economic climate, there is substantial opportunity for Auckland to benefit further from the cruise ship industry,” says Mike Lee.

“The cruise industry has shown continued growth over the past 10 years. Our Australian neighbours are enjoying the cruise offer and Australia has quickly become the most important country for the cruise industry.

During the 2010/11 season 87 cruise ships are expected, carrying 138,200 passengers and 56,400 crew. This equates to almost $305 million being injected into New Zealand’s economy and around $177 million into Auckland specifically. The bookings for the season commencing in 13 months time will see 199,900 passengers and 88,000 crew visiting Auckland.

The study suggests that opportunity exists to capture more value added investment, for example New Zealand food and wine provisions for the visiting ships. However the report also states that a cruise terminal with greater integration is required to achieve greater economic benefit.

“A new, purpose-built cruise terminal on Queens Wharf will boost both the region’s and New Zealand’s economies,” says Councillor Michael Barnett, ARC’s deputy chair.

“Most of the capacity constraints relate to port-side activities and transport to and from the waterfront. We can overcome this by building a world-class terminal on Queens Wharf.

“Auckland is the country’s front-door for cruise passengers and we all know that you do not get a second chance to make a first impression. The experience they have here will shape how the feel about New Zealand, and will affect the cruise industry over the long term.”

The cruise industry has grown by an average of 14 per cent each year since the 1996/97 cruise season.




  1. Matt L says:

    Do we need a decent cruise terminal = Yes
    Should it be on Queens Wharf = No

    I think that Queens Wharf is to valuable as a public open space to close most of it off in summer when cruise ships are in. After all that is the time that residents of the city will most like to use the area. Lets also not forget that to service the cruise industry you need things like trucks, buses, taxis as well as services like immigration, customs and police etc. They all need access and space which won’t make the area very nice to visit. We would be giving up one of our most valuable areas for nothing

    It should be on an extended Captain Cook Wharf which would also allow two ships to be docked up and processed at the same time. We could then close off Quay St to vehicles from that wharf to the Viaduct to create a great boulevard linked to an awesome park on Queens Wharf with the sheds renovated to provide some nice cafes in the area.

  2. DanC says:

    A cruise ship terminal on the Captain Cook Wharf would be so beneficial to Auckland and the whole country. The tourism generation would be huge and that means overseas dollars filling up kiwi’s pockets. You can hop off a cruise ship and hop on a ferry or a train at one area. Britomart. A step ahead from Sydney for sure. Cruise ship passengers would want to go to Waiheke Island / Waitakere / Dine at the viaduct Kayak in the harbour / Dolphin / whale watch / go fishing…… endless opportunities.


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