Weather Slows Auck Trains


A rough ride home for Auckland train commuters.
Speed restrictions were introduced because of the blustery weather and potential of flying debris.
There are delays, packed trains and some cancellations.
Britomart’s woes had the usual ripple effect through the network.
Here is how Grafton’s station looked at 5.45 as anxious commuters took to standing or sitting on the platform when seating ran out.

Some trying out the new Onehunga service were overheard asking at Britomart what was happening. Hey, welcome to our world!
Butone person said: “C’mon, this isn’t UK snow conditions!”
Earlier roofing iron blew towards an approaching train at Kingdon St.




  1. Joshua says:

    Understandable in this weather, heard of cars being pushed into other lanes by the wind on our motorways. Not the best conditions out there at the moment

  2. Sam says:

    my five twenty something western line service was delayed 10 minutes, but thanks to a very fast exit through the Britomart tunnel, and the driver jogging to the other end of the train at newmarket, we had taken the edge off that delay by Grafton… good to know that some of the staff car about us!

    I thought they were trialling relaying drivers at Newmarket at peak time- what ever happened to that?

    I could see that the 5:16 Onehunga service was delayed at least 6 minutes… but there seemed to be a lot of people waiting for it in comparison to what there were on Monday…. the word must be spreading quickly!

  3. Jon C says:

    @Sam Word is spreading fast. let’s hope they are not discouraged.

  4. Matt L says:

    Sam - I must have been on the same train as you. It was meant to leave at 5:24 but didn’t until 5:37, it was also meant to be a 6 car train but was only 4 which lead to a cramped journey.

    The thing that disappointed me the most was that when I walked into Britomart at about 5:15 there wasn’t even a mention of a western line train on the board, I found the train sitting on the platform with the platform PID showing it was to Swanson. The whole time we were waiting the lady on the PA kept giving updates about some services but never the western line one until about 5:32, 8 minutes after it was meant to leave.

  5. Jon C says:

    @Matt L I have had lots of grizzles about the lack of communication. Its been good lately so thats disappointing. But announcements were being made at Grafton when I was taking that photo.

  6. Sam says:

    I agree there should be far more communication… they seemed to be letting trains out in their correct order, so they would have known exactly how delayed we would be. At many stations they announce and apologise even if a train is 2 minutes late, but that doesn’t seem to happen at Britomart.

    I found out about the cause of the delay on here while waiting to depart- thanks for having updates like this for us Jon… wish Veolia or ARTA would do the same. Especially for the Onehunga crowd it would have been nice if they used thier weather excuse- just to emphesise that this isn’t business as usual anymore.

    Yes Matt the train was very cramped- especially been the main peak service with most of those who finish work at 5, and a number from 5:30 too! I’m sure they’ll soon get settled into the new timetables and all will be fine….

  7. patrick says:

    I was travelling from Papakura to Britomart and the train manager announced the restrictions several times

  8. William M says:

    Britomart wasn’t so good. Scribbles on a whiteboard are not enough. Not a lot coming from PAs, and unfortunately the poor customer service staff were getting some very angry people take it out on them. That’s their job, granted, but everyone’s in the same boat. If you don’t like it, tell Mother Nature. There were at least several times last night where the station was full of people, but no trains.

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