Mt Albert Platforms Extended


Another Auckland train station is getting readied for electric trains.

This time it’s Mt Albert where work is starting on extending the platforms.

Mt Albert station platform extension work starts

Ontrack has begun doing the platform extensions so that the Mt Albert station can cater for six-car trains.

The work will continue until June or July.

As we know Mt Albert train station is in the doldrums and urgently needs a makeover.

There's nothing nice to say about Mt Albert station or its outlook

It won’t happen in time for the RWC.

This is because the Auckland City Council is currently undertaking consultation towards development of a plan for the whole township, which also needs a makeover.

In conjunction with that plan, ARTA is working with Auckland City Council and the community to determine how best to upgrade the Mt Albert railway station in terms of its facilities and accesses to and from the station.

The time required to complete the plan and requirements for design and construction rules out anything happening by the time the RWC is on.




  1. rtc says:

    I’d argue that if they just bowled the current concrete shelter and installed better lighting this station would be okay for a couple more years. However, the current concrete shell is dark, blocks sight lines and makes the station feel unsafe.

  2. Kurt says:

    When are the six car sets starting? The 4 car sets have become inadequate at peak times, a victim of the systems own success!


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