Steven, On Your Bike!


Transport minister Steven Joyce says he has a bike but “doesn’t get to ride it as often as he should.”

That according to Greens’ bike enthusiast Kevin Hague who blogs that he and the minister both spoke at the recent Wellington Bikers breakfast, attended by 700 cyclists.

The Greens MP cheekily says to Steven Joyce:  ”It would be great to see you cycling the roads of Auckland or Wellington, even once, and getting to experience first hand how important it is to prioritise improving road safety for us, the most vulnerable users. John can be in your team too. ”

He’s referring to the BikeWise Workplace challenge, where, at parliament,  not surprisingly the Greens lead the way in the number of  cyclists.

After the minister discovers the joy of cycling, we could tempt Steven to try a train.

GREENS BLOG; Bike challenge (chart of who is doing it)




  1. Jeremy Harris says:

    Looking at his waistline he could do with giving up the car and adopting the cycle… Or maybe putting his lunches on the taxpayers credit card via Heatley…

  2. Jon R says:

    He could buy a bike on Heatley’s credit card?

  3. Jeremy Harris says:

    The way Heatley has got caught out with the housing allowance and now this we could probably slip an EMU or two on his credit card…


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